CppIndiaCon 2022

Gold Sponsor


Modelling Silicon Dreams

About CircuitSutra

Reduce the Cost and Time to Market for your next SoC design
SHIFT-LEFT ESL methodologies for Hardware-Software Co-Design & Co-Verification

CircuitSutra is an Electronics System Level (ESL) design IP and services company, headquartered in India, having its offices at Noida, Bangalore and Santa Clara (USA). It enables customers to adopt advanced methodologies based on C, C++, SystemC/TLM2.0 (IEEE 1666-2011), Python, UPF3.0 (IEEE 1801-2015), IP-XACT (IEEE 1685-2014), Portable Stimulus. Our core competencies include Virtual Prototype (development, verification, deployment), High-Level Synthesis, Architecture & Performance modeling.

We augment traditional RTL-GDS flow with advanced ESL methodologies to perform: Pre-silicon firmware development / testing, Architecture Analysis - Power / Performance Optimization & HW-SW partitioning, Designing at an abstraction level above RTL, SoC / SystemC Level design & verification

CircuitSutra is developing re-usable modelling infrastructure for the RISC-V ecosystem and AI/DL SoCs

CircuitSutra’s Mission is to accelerate the adoption of ESL methodologies in the Industry.

Career Opportunity

Do you have Strong Expertise in C, C++, OOPS, Data Structures, Algorithms ?

And industry experience in any of the following:

  • Embedded Software, Device Drivers, Firmware, BSP
  • Semiconductor SoC Design / Verification

Shift to ESL: Put your career on the path of Faster Growth, Higher Value Creation & Breakthrough Technology Innovation

Know More ..

Send your resume to hr@circuitsutra.com, or apply here

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